A Long Distance Reiki Session is as powerful as a normal Reiki Session.
Some of the more common causes for requiring this kind of session are: living faraway or being physically unable.
A Long Distance Reiki Session is divided in 3 fundamental parts:
1st) Connecting & Reading
Refer to a normal Reiki Session parts 1st and 2nd. The only difference is that this part is done in video-conference or, if not possible, over the phone.
The practitioner will point the clear quartz pendulum in his/her own hand and doing so he/she will be able to pick the energy flow in the specific client’s Chakra he/she is checking.
2nd) Reiki
Refer to a normal Reiki Session part 3rd. The only difference is that the client will then close the video-conference or phone call and lay down on his/her bed. The client will relax and close his/her eyes. The practitioner will then start sending Reiki energy. At the end of it he/she will call the client back.
3rd) Grounding
Refer to a normal Reiki Session part 4th. The only difference is that this part is done in video-conference or phone call.
A Long Distance Reiki Session costs $90.00