What is Soul Retrieval?

      It is an ancient Shamanic practice. It is a journey to the Under-World, seeking pieces of our soul that we left back in traumatic experiences. They are usually traumas that happened to us during our formation growth.

    The length of a Soul Retrieval Session can not be determined before. It might vary depending on the evolution of it. It could also be possible that one Session would not be enough. All depend from the ability of the client to follow the meditation guided by the practitioner and from what it is found along the journey.


What Happen when a piece of our soul is found?

     When we left back that part of our soul, it was like we signed a contract. In that contract are written the rules that we agreed to, so that that part of our soul will be confined where it is for the rest of our life! We have to ask to rewrite the rules of that contract so that the part of our soul is freed from it.


What is the next step then?

     Re-writing the contract allows us to heal that piece of soul but before we bring it back, we have to plan all the new things we are going to do and who we are going to be, with all our highest purposes of life, when our soul will again be whole! We will then be ready to live our new lives as new persons!


At Reiki & Surroundings a Soul Retrieval Session is by appointment only and costs $60/h Please check our Special Offers page

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